I Dreamt About Having A Beautiful Record With Efya – Epixode Reveals

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Kofi Oppong Kyekyeku
Kofi Oppong Kyekyekuhttp://zionfelix.net
Kofi Oppong Kyekyeku is a Ghanaian Broadcast Journalist/Writer who has an interest in General News, Sports, Entertainment, Health, Lifestyle and many more.

Probably, Epixode’s next collaboration was revealed to him in a dream.

The Ghanaian reggae dancehall artiste revealed a dream he had about Efya in a post sighted by Zionfelix.net.

He opened up about dreaming about Ghanaian songstress, Efya—last night.

According to him, they had a beautiful record, and it went number one.

Epixode also talked about how Efya inspires him on and off the stage, describing her as a gold to him.

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The ‘Efie Nsem’ composer said what he saw in the dream was amazing.

Epixode assumed he dreamt about Efya after watching her 25th TGMA performance last night.

He further asked God to let His will be done.

Read his post below.

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