Oboy Siki Will Be Arrested Again, He’ll Smell Pepper If He Doesn’t Pay My GHS 8,000 – Kwame Borga Angrily Says (Video)

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Kofi Oppong Kyekyeku
Kofi Oppong Kyekyekuhttp://zionfelix.net
Kofi Oppong Kyekyeku is a Ghanaian Broadcast Journalist/Writer who has an interest in General News, Sports, Entertainment, Health, Lifestyle and many more.

Kwame Borga is furious about how Oboy Siki treated him a few days ago.

The actor expressed his dissatisfaction in an interview with ZionFelix.

He narrated how Oboy Siki disgraced him in the midst of about 500 to 1,000 people during a football match involving public figures (actors) in Kumasi.

While looking for movie producer, Sam Power, he was asked to come to a small room near the football pitch.

Kwame Borga claimed Oboy Siki prevented him from entering the room, stating that he does not know how to play ball.

After trying to find his way to the room, Borga said Siki hit him—and he had a cut in his palm after falling.

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Following this, he angrily left the place. But he got angrier after he saw the video of the incident trending on TikTok.

This pushed him to report the case at the Suame Police Station in Kumasi.

He revealed that Oboy Siki was invited by the police and was subsequently bailed by movie producer Abro.

Kwame Borga divulged to have spent GHS 8,000 following the incident, and it should be paid by Oboy Siki.

As Oboy Siki is playing hard to comply, Abro, who bailed him, has intended to ‘wash his hands’ off the issue.

Kwame Borga has threatened to pay Oboy Siki back if he does not pay the money. Adding that, he wouldn’t mind beating the aged actor mercilessly.

Watch the interview below.

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