Strika, the young actor who gained prominence for his role in the critically acclaimed movie Beast of No Nation, has reached out to Kumawood star Dr. Likee, Gunshot, and their team with a heartfelt plea for support.
In a self-recorded video that has since gained attention online, Strika humbly apologized to Gunshot and the team for his previous actions, which he admits were wrong.
“I acknowledge my fault, and I am truly sorry. I have regretted my actions and want to make amends,” Strika stated in the video.
Strika, who was living in Kumasi before his sack disclosed that he currently has no place to stay.
He appealed to Dr. Likee and Gunshot to assist him in securing accommodation.
“If you don’t want me to stay with Gunshot anymore, I understand, but I humbly ask for your help in finding a house where I can live,” he implored.
The actor also expressed a desire to regain independence by finding a job.
Strika appealed for assistance in securing employment, emphasizing that he does not want to rely on handouts to survive.
“I would be grateful if you could help me get a job so I can work and fend for myself,” he added.