The industry needs more of your type – Stonebwoy tells Mc Portfolio

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Stonebwoy has applauded award-winning MC and entertainment pundit, Portfolio for his view on the upcoming TGMA Artiste of the year category.

According to Mc Portfolio, he believes that under the 2023 calendar, Stonebwoy surpassed King Promise in terms of global presence, body of work, collaborations, hit songs, music catalogue, relevance, and appeal to the local audience.

Speaking on an entertainment show on Metro TV, Mc Portfolio pointed out that Stonebwoy’s collaborations have earned him spots in other top categories on the TGMA nominees list.

On X, Stonebwoy retweeted Portfolio’s appearance on Metro TV, where he discussed Stonebwoy’s accomplishments compared to King Promise.

Stonebwoy praised Portfolio, stating that the industry needs more advocates like him, signifying his approval and appreciation of Portfolio’s efforts.

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