Video: Avram Ben Moshe and Prophet Ogyaba insult each other on live radio

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What started as a simple online banter between Avram Ben Moshe and Prophet Ogyaba has escalated into a full-blown conflict, marked by threats, defiance, and heated exchanges.

A few weeks ago, Prophet Ogyaba issued a bold threat to make Avram Ben Moshe lose his sense of reasoning on June 21, 2024.

In response, the fearless Avram Ben Moshe accepted the challenge, promising to visit Ogyaba’s church on the specified date to test the spiritual prowess of the famed man of God.

However, in a surprising turn of events, Prophet Ogyaba recently retracted his threat, stating that he would no longer attempt to disrupt Avram Ben Moshe’s mental state.

Despite this reversal, Avram remains determined to visit Ogyaba’s church on June 21, as originally planned.

Feeling threatened by Avram’s persistence, Prophet Ogyaba has now involved the police, requesting that they arrest Avram if he appears at his church on the 21st.

This development has further inflamed the situation, leading to a war of words between the two.

During a clash on Kingdom FM, Avram Ben Moshe did not hold back, using harsh language to describe Prophet Ogyaba.

He labeled Ogyaba a thief, a fool, and a trickster, expressing his disdain for the prophet in no uncertain terms.

The escalating conflict has garnered significant attention, with many eager to see how the situation will unfold on June 21.
Will Avram Ben Moshe follow through on his promise to visit the church, and how will the authorities respond to Prophet Ogyaba’s request for his arrest?

Stay tuned as this dramatic saga continues to develop. Watch the video below for more insights into their intense exchange.

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